Friday, December 28, 2018

Basic Steps to Permanent Residency in Canada

The right of Permanent Residency in Canada is not provided to all individuals and Immigration Canada is very selective with who they approve for permanent residency.

Apply for permanent residence if your want to stay in Canada indefinitely Once you receive permanent residency in Canada, there is certain information that your must consider. A permanent residence is a good option for students or temporary workers in Canada who want to stay in the country permanently. First and foremost, in order to be an authorized permanent resident of Canada your must be issued a permanent residency by a Canadian government. Additionally, your will not only hold permanent residency in Canada but your will also still have citizenship from your country of origin. Once we arrive in Canada as a permanent resident, this does not mean that you have gained Canadian citizenship; there are differences. Canadian citizenship is a separate matter and it is applied to separately. Lastly, being a permanent resident in Canada allows that individual to reside in Canada and is not only staying in Canada due to work, school or visiting purposes.  Permanent residency is also a good first step to applying for citizenship in Canada if your plan to do so in the future.
As a permanent resident in Canada, there are certain rights and responsibilities that you must abide by in order to maintain your residency, as previously mentioned. Subsequently, as a permanent resident of Canada, you have the following rights:
·         Health Care
·         Social Benefits
·         Live, study or work anywhere in Canada
·         Protection under Federal law
·         Rights and Freedoms granted by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
·         Apply for citizenship after permanently residing in Canada for a designated time period
A permanent resident of Canada will also have certain responsibilities while residing in Canada, such as:
·         To abide by all laws of Canada (municipal, provincial & federal)
·         To face conviction should they commit any serious criminal offense - Please note, this may cause permanent residency to be revoked


So as to keep up your Permanent Residency status inside Canada, you should effectively satisfy residency commitments. In particular, you should aggregate a sum of two years of living in Canada inside a many years day and age. Also, you should be physically present inside Canada amid these two years. Fortunately, there are a few conditions that may check towards your multi-year timeframe in Canada, while being outside of Canada. The circumstances include:
Traveling with a spouse or common-law partner that is a Canadian citizen;
·         A child that is traveling with their father or mother who is a Canadian citizen;
·         An employee that is traveling outside of Canada for Canadian business.
Therefore, you must abide by these residency obligations, if not, you may lose your permanent residency and may not be able to renew it.
PR card can be used to demonstrate that we have permanent resident status in Canada. Canada is outstanding amongst other choices countries when recollecting development choices. With the high quality of life models, incredible pay rates and a lot of business openings, it is no big surprise that such a significant number of individuals from abroad have communicated enthusiasm for coming to live and work in this country. In case we are involved with moving to Canada, we should realize how to get Canadian lasting visa. Here we will take a gander at qualification criteria, the application technique and the chief's need to ward engage to choose on the off chance that we will be successful. For more

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